A green city ready for the future

Becoming a more sustainable city is now an imperative, for both our economy and our planet.

The world is very clearly moving in this direction, and investment markets are looking towards industries, projects, and communities with clear sustainability plans and objectives. 

Larry Fink, the CEO of the $7Trillion Black Rock Investment Fund has made this very clear in his letter to CEO’s this year: 

“There is no company whose business model won’t be profoundly affected by the transition to a net zero economy – one that emits no more carbon dioxide than it removes from the atmosphere by 2050, the scientifically-established threshold necessary to keep global warming well below 2ºC.

As the transition accelerates, companies with a well-articulated long-term strategy, and a clear plan to address the transition to net zero, will distinguish themselves with their stakeholders – with customers, policymakers, employees and shareholders – by inspiring confidence that they can navigate this global transformation.

But companies that are not quickly preparing themselves will see their businesses and valuations suffer, as these same stakeholders lose confidence that those companies can adapt their business models to the dramatic changes that are coming.”

Saskatoon must be part of that future. It is time to focus on what practical steps we can take to ensure we are reducing our risks, and implementing a plan.If we don’t take this seriously, we risk being left behind while the world moves on, losing jobs and opportunities for future generations. 

The City of Saskatoon has been working towards this future.  We have a road map that outlines our own emissions and provides a guide for where and how we can reduce these in the years and decades to come, playing our part in meeting the Paris Accord Agreements.

We have made progress in a number of key areas and are working with community stakeholders, industry, and government together to build solutions. We all have a part to play. Here are some priorities for this term:


Energy Production


Waste Reduction