Council Highlights, February 2019

28 FEB 2019 City Council Highlights Categories Bus Rapid Transit City Council Highlights Climate Change Downtown Downtown Finances Growth Plan On My Mind Problem Solving Ride Sharing Roadways Savings at City Hall Strategic Priority Transparency Transportation...
Council Highlights, November 2018

Council Highlights, November 2018

lanning for a Downtown Arena District
This week City Council made another step forward in the replacement of SaskTel Centre and signalled that a new arena should be built downtown.

We didn’t approve the construction of a new facility (and this won’t happen for awhile), but we did begin making a plan for the future. We are making crucial decisions in the months to come about Bus Rapid Transit, North Downtown development, River Landing Phase II, Idylwyld Drive and others.  Now is the time to ensure these decisions are made with a future Arena/Convention district in mind, so that all the pieces fit together to make a great downtown for generations to come. These next steps will involve many stakeholders and community discussions in developing and implementing this plan.

City Council Highlights, October 2018

City Council Highlights, October 2018

At October’s meeting of City Council, we moved forward with a decision to establish a city-wide curbside organics collection program.

This is a huge step forward for our city and it will have a significant impact on extending the life of the landfill—an estimated additional 23 years. The current (and optional) green cart program has been successful, but the City’s research has shown that 58% of what ends up in the black bin is organic material that could be diverted.