by admin | Feb 12, 2018 | On My Mind
As Mayor, I have made it central to my leadership that we are stronger united than divided.
It is more important than ever to confront the undercurrent of racism that has become escalated since this happened. We have been aware of racism and discrimination in our city and province, but the level of contempt and hatred that has emerged in comments online and in daily interactions has revealed the magnitude of these sentiments.
This cannot be tolerated if we are to build a better society. They are a risk to our future.
by admin | Dec 4, 2017 | Finances
City Council has passed a budget that funds the core services that our citizens rely on for a high quality of life and that makes investments in our community’s future through smart growth, improved transportation, modernized technology and environmental sustainability.
by admin | Dec 4, 2017 | Finances
Whenever I go to schools or talk to the young citizens—and future leaders—of our community, the number one concern that I hear about is environmental sustainability. These young people are concerned about the large, complex problems that will affect our community and our planet for the generations yet to come. In Saskatoon and Saskatchewan, the work that the Meewasin Valley Authority does in conservation, trail development and education is crucial to this work and in making sustainability part of the culture of Saskatoon.
by admin | Nov 24, 2017 | Downtown, Transportation
This week, City Council voted to retain the current protected bike lanes downtown on 4th Avenue and 23rd Street.
The downtown protected bike lanes have been controversial for Saskatoon, with strong and vocal advocates on both sides of the issue. Debates have occurred throughout Saskatoon at kitchen tables, around water coolers and in our City Council Chambers.
I voted in favour of continuing with the current bike lane arrangement until we receive more comprehensive information in June, when a plan for a connected cycling network will be presented to City Council. In voting this way, I was thinking about the safety of all road users, about creating a downtown that works for everyone and making the right decision for Saskatoon now and into the future.
by admin | Nov 4, 2017 | Transparency
It has been one year since the current City Council was sworn into office. This has been a year of laying the foundation for building a successful city into the future. We have developed a set of strategic priorities for City Council to focus on, established a new leadership model for City governance and have been strengthening key institutional and community partnerships needed to create the innovations that can tackle the challenges of the future. Here are some of the highlights of what we have accomplished or initiated so far…