Downtown, Where We Belong
In partnership, we are working to create a healthy, vibrant and prosperous environment in the heart of our city. By focusing on key strategies in collaboration with residents and businesses, we want to accelerate the plan to create a dynamic, inclusive and welcoming Downtown where everyone belongs.
City Council Highlights
June was a busy month for the City of Saskatoon with many different issues that will impact citizens now and into the future. Here are a few of those highlights.
Update to residents and stakeholders about the June 20 Meeting on Bus Rapid Transit and Bike Lanes
Council has been hearing questions about what will be happening at the June 20 Special Governance and Priorities meeting, in particular around the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes and the future of bike lanes in the downtown. Below is a quick overview of what to expect on June 20th.
Council Highights
Here are five of the issues discussed and debated in City Council in May that will have an impact on Saskatoon and the people that live here: Hiring of a City Manager | New Multi-Use Safety Pathway along CP Rail Line from Ave D to Ave W | “Downtown: Where We Belong” Initiative | Green Infrastructure Strategy | Next step for Cannabis rules in Saskatoon
An update on ride sharing in Saskatoon
I know that many people in Saskatoon are interested in the possibility of having ride-sharing companies—such as Uber, TappCar, or Lyft—come into our city.
In order for this to happen, the provincial government first must pass legislation, create regulations, and sort out issues such as insurance and licensing. A couple of months ago the government introduced legislation that would begin this process, but it has yet to be passed and come into effect.
City Council Highlights
30 APRIL, 2018 City Council Highlights Here are five issues discussed in Council Chambers over the past month that will impact Saskatoon and the citizens of this city. Property Taxes Lowered City Council has decided to lower property taxes by 0.91%, and this reduces...
State of the City: Building a Stronger Community, Together
As I reflect this year on the state of our city, I do so in the shadow cast by the tragedy of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. This tragedy has sent shockwaves through our city, our province, and our world. We hear of events like this happening elsewhere and we sense the devastation, but we don’t have the connections to the real lives and the people to make it real. And then it lands right in our own backyard.
Study on Train Delays in the City
City Council commissioned a study to look at the costs and benefits minimizing or even removing train delays in Saskatoon through underpasses, overpasses, and relocating the rail lines out of the city. There are a number of different issues regarding the rail study that make it somewhat confusing.
While I think there is broad agreement that there would be many benefits to getting trains out of the City—from safety, to travel times, to new opportunities for redevelopment—the bottom line from the study is that there are very large hurdles to either relocating or building overpasses and underpasses.
City Council Highlights
28 MARCH, 2018 City Council Highlights Below are five areas of discussion and debate in City Council Chambers over this past month that can have an impact on the residents of Saskatoon. TCU Place and SaskTel Centre City Council received a report that came from the...
More than you ever wanted to know about snow clearing in Saskatoon
08 MARCH, 2018 More than you ever wanted to know about snow clearing in Saskatoon Over the weekend, Saskatoon received almost 25 cm of snow, roughly one-third of all of the snow this entire winter. With this recent blast of winter there has been a lot of attention on...